Face the Threat


Cilents will choose an animal representing the one who has hurt them, and it will approach the rubber man slowly. The client is given choices for how he/she wants to face the situation, i.e. how far or near does he/she want the animals to be? How can he/she stop the animal from approaching him/her? We show the clients a stop sign using their hands to stop the threatening action from coming closer, and with three consecutive stop signs, the animal is pushed back and disappear, launching the client into a safe and comfortable grassland. This is a climax of the treatment, and it always took several sessions to work through this activity. However, if they face the situation, and learn to say no, it is about creating boundaries for themselves, which can be so difficult for this client group to do.


fight back poststand post

crouching postdefending post

4 different choices of animals

fight back post

Client need to facing the threat.

Video demo:
